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One of the "bosses" of my dungeon! Had fun conceptualizing this guy

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goodmorning girlbosses

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My Pokemon Violet team!

I had mad shiny luck in Violet and ended up with a full team of 'em to take on the E4 and the rest of the end game bosses

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Nino could solo the entire csm-verse except for Makima because she’s weak against unseen girlbosses over 50km away

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Quelques dessins de cette année 2022 dont je suis assez content !
Je compte bosser encore plus en cette nouvelle année :3

Dessiner des humains me fait le plus grand bien, je sens que mon trait va évoluer plus vite et que je trouverai mon style ->

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Happy New Year!! Bosses~🥳
Wish you all a better 2023!!😍🎆
Log in to the game between Jan. 1st and Jan. 3rd to get a special gift for New Year!

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so if witches of hemwick count as a boss (idk it was very very easy 💀) then I beat THREE whole bosses today

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My Worst of the Year award goes to Resident Evil 6. I played thru all of Resi5 co-op with a friend, and we tried to play this after. Boy oh boy this one is a stinker folks, don't let anybody redeem this game in a couple years. Some of the bosses are the worst ever.

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Been playing an unhealthy amount of Pokemon Infinite Fusion, but it's so damn cool to see all sorts of crazy fusions. The Pinsir+Charizard and Aegislash+Omastar turns into Dark Souls bosses lmao

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Hoplà, je stream véri rouaite naouwe des commissions pour toute l'aprèm 🤠🤙 on va bien bosser dur


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Pour finir petite galerie voici mes objectifs 2023:

- 5k twitter ( on x2 ouais )
- Proposer 5 vidéos qualitatives durant l’année
- Si jai la fibre me lancer dans le streaming
- Bosser avec des équipes pour des gros projets
- Avoir mon bac
- Pas me faire baser sur parcours sup

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Man I love the bosses of Bx: Execute

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IT'S TIME-Before the new year is through, I WILL finish Hollow knight (at least the base game...) So today, we're starting pretty early around 4pm EST and going until I can't no more! Join me (plz help) in exploring, beating bosses, and saving(?) Hollownest!

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Well. I could easily convince my bosses for a major raise.

Nah I wouldn't be in trouble but my pants would be in tatters

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Streaming more Tower of Fantasy today! Farming joint ops and hoping for a good physical belt! Preparing for the new bosses this Sunday!

Stream link is in my bio!

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Cuando le preguntan a un veterano de Megaman Zero si sería capaz de ganarle a los bosses de un Souls

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