The only one not feeling the cold in this house is Max. Papa took him for a walk but came straight back because he was too cold. I'll have to make him wear a scarf next time.

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Birds ate the mandarins I put on the bird table. I hope they can tide the birds over during the winter.

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I planted tulip bulbs today! Now is the best time to plant them. When they blossom they're so pretty!🌷🌷🌷

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I planted tulip bulbs today! Now is the best time to plant them. When they blossom they're so pretty!   

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Today we collected chestnuts from a local field and will make chestnut rice later! Got to be careful not to cut yourself when taking off the hard shell!🌰🌰🌰

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It's so windy today! Make sure the clothes are securely clipped to the clothes line!

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Autumn has turned the leaves from green to yellow and some will turn to red, making such pretty colors!

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We made a bird table this morning so we can see the birds from the kitchen. I hope they like it!

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I found a spider as big as a child's hand in the washing. I carefully put it back in the garden!

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We found so many acorns and chestnuts when we were walking and saw a squirrel with its cheeks stuffed!

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I saw the birds eating Japanese persimmon this morning. I hope they can find enough food during the winter.

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Mama and Papa took Max for a walk together. The mornings are chilly so we put on our scarfs!

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I smelt the scent of Osmanthus flowers at the back of the garden today. Could they be blossoming?

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This morning was chilly so I made Ichigo and Ringo wear a scarf. Remember to wrap up warm so not to catch a cold!

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What reminds you of Autumn? For Mama it's food such as saury, matsutake mushrooms, Japanese persimmon.

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I'm making a birds nest. I cut some wood and held it in place with nails. Almost finished!

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I can hear the sound of crickets in the garden. Ringo tried to capture some crickets with a net but Ichigo stopped him!

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Today It’s "OTSUKIMI”
In Japan, people offer the rice dumplings in appreciation for the harvest of grains.

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New rice arrived from my parent's house! Freshly cooked new rice is the best you can get!

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Autumn is here and with it are lots of new ingredients I can use. Time to put my skills to the test!

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