Testando novos esquemas de cor. Algum favorito?

1 14

Você e seu senpai mozaum da BTS.
Espero q goste ^-^
Ps: na foto o cabelo dele tava dessa cor.... :v

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Fairy Bug Nursery PRINT ginger boy watercolor & dried leaf. Kids room decor. Children Illustration by Catalina …

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Fairy Bug Nursery PRINT boy watercolor & dried leaf. Kids room decor. Children Illustration by Catalina (Catilu…

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Fairy Bug Nursery PRINT snail watercolor & linden leave. Girls room decor. Children Illustration by Catalina (Ca…

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Fairy Bug Nursery PRINT watercolor & maple seed. Girls room decor. Children Illustration by Catalina (Catilustre…

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Fairy Bug Nursery PRINT blue baby girl, watercolor & ginko leave. Nursery room decor. Children Illustration by C…

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Fairy Bug Nursery PRINT baby girl, watercolor, ink, maple leave. Nursery room decor. Children Illustration by Ca…

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Late Inktober:
Shuwen Aecor.

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A good start to my room's decor.

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figured we never got to see the lighter side of the rancor...

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Storm Winds Blowing mixed media on panel 12x12.

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Até agora no live. MailBoy - Cor. Em 30 eu volto com o live. ;)

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