おついちさんのDMC4動画、最高でした記念。 発売日に買ってやりこんだ学生時代が懐かしい…大変ご馳走様でした!

59 493

The 1005 - Devil Bringer! Legendary Saturday brings you another DMC4 weapon! This time, an arm! Nero's unique genetic structure of being a second generation hybrid gave him an Arm of pure demonic energy and form!

2 11

Cosplay Abernathy, as Dante from the Devil May Cry series

DMCV's costume, DMC4's pose, and a background from a game featuring the DMC3 iteration

10 31

fight like you're gods and monsters
because you want to
to save a life
fight for you and I

So 5's DT Vergil's tail was a clear winner of last night's poll 😂Here's something messy, can't believe I ain't drawn DMC4 Dante in ages, as he's the most absolute bara unit in it

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48 198

Hice un intento de Nero de DMC 4 pero siento que no me quedó del todo bien u.u... Además de que fue un dibujo que hice rápido antes de caer por el sueño ;-;

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リプ来たキャラの顔だけ描くタグの。DMC4ンテ DMC4の記憶と言えば、殴って起動させるアレを殴り続けて回転しているのを見て「やだあの子怒ってる」って口走った所で見ていた友人から「いいから早く装置起動させろや」って言われたヤーツー

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1.DMC4 SE &DMC5(バージルの声優さんがワンピースのサンジ)
2.Bloodborne (舞台が英国、ジャックザリッパーの時代)

0 0

「Remember the day of grief」

Nero / ネロ :Re

112 419

He returned to this place in his dream
Did she mean to him something?

14 57


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super cute custom hanging keychain commissions for of dmc4 vergil and dante :D
i had so much fun drawing these!!!! thank you so much for the commission ;v;

19 37

누르면 멈춤! 키리에 옷입히기 더 해주고 싶었는데 넘 힘들어💦

91 280