The envious, meanwhile, are punished by devils with pitchforks and alternating ice and fire baths.

MS. Douce 134, fol. 83v:

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Another commission for enviouseredi on tumblr!

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I did this that one time :---D if there's cat ear head bands and fox ear headbands, then would miqo'te ever get envious of human ears? and would want human ear head bands? 🤔

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WIP - Summer Time Pyrrha - I did more progress, all on schedule, new season Oct 27 it fells so far, plus all those who could go to RTX I hope you have a great time (i am so envious) 😁

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A commission for enviouseredi on tumblr!

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She's not envious, goblins just happen to be naturally green.

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“ mother would be cross, but I was doing...research...and now I’m rather envious of her...”

[Art by Meesh!]

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Sulamith Wulfing's work is so beautiful. A friend met her once - I am envious. Chagall also painted some lovely mermaids. I saw glorious play last night - 's 'Flying Lovers of Vitebsk' Glowing review imminent

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I'm really envious of artists that are strong at this lineless, great color palette style. I'm much stronger at linework and form... but I'm giving it a shot!

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You named yourself after your greatest enemy; Raziel believed you didn't belong here, though you proved your divinity time and time again, unbeknownst to you, Raziel was deeply envious of you, he secreted it away in a book now long lost.

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Character designs based off toxic personalities. Top left is “The Dementor,” one who spreads sadness, bottom left is “The Envious,” and the right is “The Twisted.

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I actually completed an illustration this week. Considering I gave birth last month, I’m petty impressed with myself. And envious of the character I drew as well.

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--After a couple of days, Sorbet got tired of my mopey behavior and told me to apologize to Risotto for the way I acted on the mission. It took me a while, but I finally did it. I told him how envious of him and his talent I was, too. --

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She is envious, therefore she wears green. Such clever.

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High Priestess T'raska of Leisra. Servant of the Envious. For the fullsize complete image check out my Patreon! (Link in bio)

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a little envious of people who can to draw something cool with left hand.

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Honestly envious that HK has a huge part of her room that's just a pile of pillows.

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Jiwon oppa's backhug make me so envious!😭a And the wireframe better than the color one makes me so desperate...ㅠㅠ

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