Wieder lieferbar: „Regentage“ und „Flourishing Flower“ von RoseNose, beides signiert.

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At least we know his bonsai trees are flourishing.

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"Flourishing Symbiosis"
This piece was heavily inspired by the Alex Garland directed film "Annihilation", especially its haunting soundtrack... either way a fun diversion from my usual fair.

(print links in description)

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This is so blessed,, my crops are flourishing, my skin is now clear, the sun is shining and the birds are singing

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Four new poppies done and done! Each will be available at coming up on June 22-24th.
‘Abundant’ 20x20
‘Sundazed’ 12x36
‘Heartbreaker’ 11x14
‘Flourishing’ 12x24

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This Mercy skin is too pretty my skin has been cleared and my crops are flourishing 🎀

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Luis Desangles (1861-1940), considered by many art critics and historians as one of the most important figures related to the flourishing and definitions of modern art in the Dominican Republic.

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L is for Landvættir ("land wights") who are spirits of the land. They protect and promote the flourishing of the places where they live, which can be as small as a rock or as large as a section of a country.

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My crops are flourishing, my skin is clear, my depression and anxiety are cured, my grades are up, I am reborn.

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Plume combine high-speed photography, moving images and ethereal soundscapes to create surreal, flourishing scenes: https://t.co/vlr1lmg8EK

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new icon new banner fresh skin crops flourishing family blessed

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I can't belive.... a whole taegi piggyback ride...my skin is clear my crops are flourishing

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Jeanne ( I don't think I'll ever make her justice but,,, even just thinking about her my skin is clear now… my crops are flourishing… ily )

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"True power is creation, & the truest power is resurrection, the new creation that can restore flourishing..."

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The forest: A "Decay" plagues it. The once flourishing forest of light has been slowly declining for centuries..

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A book giveaway featuring a sea flourishing with monsters and magic: https://t.co/Ge93iRxL0P Thanks for sharing.

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