Been having a bit of a weird/bad time recently so treated myself today to drawing some boring (but cathartic) portraits of the main folks in my webcomic: Mauve, Bargo & Teal (was running out of time by the time I got to Teal, so she's not quite right but you get the gist)

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completed my fanfiction / art trilogy.

Gist: It's a story about a rogue Darna who got separated from Narda and became an Overlord. you can read the stories compiled in an album in FB here:

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Character sheet for Adryanna, might change some things but this is her general gist :DD

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recently got into so i made an oc! this scene is a little complicated to explain, but the gist is that he's rejected by kurama and runs into mizuki and he and mizuki become boyfriends. he doesn't have a name yet rip

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meet my second dnd character, Nym! her design is a lil inconsistent right now but this is the gist of it hehe. i love her, i cant wait to develop her and her story + v +

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Currently getting the gist on Illustrator (thanks Uni), might as well post some Pokésymbols.

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A new victim has entered my mind! She's a witch that has been cursed with immortality and memory loss. I have a whole story for her, but the gist is that her whole life is one long and wretched punishment, stretched out over centuries, as she struggles to break the curse.

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hmmmm yeah you get the gist

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been suffering from artblock for a long while now and i keep seeing so here's my attempt.

also wrote a few things about her, but the gist is she prefers long-range combat, relies heavily on Vyrn for talking, and she's still questioning why she's the captain lol

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Alt-right troll: "Imagine if Stan Lee saw what they've turned the MCU into..."

Me: "Prf, uhhh...*peeeers at all the Stan Lee cameos*....I'm pretty sure he got the gist..... =>.>=;"

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the comic i’ve been working on, not entirely edited but you get the gist.

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Anime + LotR is the basic gist of the kinda stuff I wanna make with these two.

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I'll post my main character Flame. He's from a race I made called an Undergrounders. He's pretty much going on an adventure to see the world which is set way in the future and get stronger.(It's complicated to explain here on Twitter with the word limit but that's the gist of it)

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For every like I'll answer a question bla bla you guys know the gist

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because I am poor but hi I'm Bobby I'm a trans game designer/artist/writer leading a tiny team on Super Lesbian Animal RPG () which I think you get the gist of from the title

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Caught a bit of My narrative went along the lines of ugly dog, ugly dog, mongrel, ugly dog, mongrel, you get the gist.

Guess I am a cat person then.

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i play it so much i know the gist of the dang opening screen

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((this is beth btw. i draw her face differently like everytime but you get the gist))

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This is a gift for a friend that asked not to be named, he gave me an gist of what he wanted and I designed the character :>

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( Made by SansiChuu )

If you don't think Aphrodite is cute, you're gonna make her mad and she's gonna end up tearing you a new one, if you get the gist ᏊˊꈊˋᏊ

Call her cute and praise her 24/7. She'll love you for that ᏊˊꈊˋᏊ

( Still feeking love this design♥ )

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