(blood warning)
but it's non-souls fromsoft games - Day 4, Demon

"Don't cry, Sharline. I'm so sorry."
"I was a selfish mother... Trandin will never forgive me..."
"If the Cycle permits, we'll meet again someday... For now... Good-bye."

1 5

Good-Bye Summer🏝

131 350

"you left, without so much as telling me good-bye"

0 8

"Say Hello, Say good-bye waraware temo iiyo
zutto Say Hello, Say good-bye
bokura ga deae ta imi ni
unazuite hanikande dakishimete aruite ikou" ~

0 0

あ~チーズになりたいなあ~🤔頭痛いけど今日も平和なじんみぃですwww 頭痛の皆さん!チョコ🍫は頭痛を誘発する成分があるので控えましょう😭I Lovechocolate😭good-byechocolate💔ナニイッテンノ?😂


0 43

Say Good-bye 涙のラスサビ前のセリフで泣いちゃった…

75 186

Say Good-Bye …涙!

285 1154

Say Good-Bye 涙。間奏のセリフよかった・・・。あぐぽんが考えたセリフだって聞いて更に感動しました。あぐぽーーーーーーん!!(´;ω;`)

14 37

Since it's Undertale's 5th Year Anniversary, I'm bringing this beauty back! A human Asriel and Frisk on their final good-bye during the Pacifist Ending.✨

Stay Determined!❤️

Thank you for this gem of a game, !

1 2

Say Good-Bye 涙

757 2859

Say Good-Bye 涙 🎀 歩夢ちゃん

31 89

虹ヶ咲 2nd Live! Brand New Story(DAY1 昼)うろおぼえレポート

『🔖もえぴと Say Good-Bye 涙 (&鼻水)』

888 3168

本日は『Hello,good-bye』より竜胆 棗の誕生日です!            

68 168