lmao Manjoume and Sho WOULD be the types to just be off to the side at the party, eating lol

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1 5

This was I think unintentionally hilarious because it's just so real LMAOOO... I feel that, Judai

1 6

It's understandable for sure to be frustrated but man saying it that way is so;;;; HE'S HAVING A ROUGH TIME OF IT....

1 3

I SHOULDN'T BE LAUGHING AS MUCH AS I AM lol both his unenthusiastic participation and how clearly gay this boy be...

1 6

perfect tho put that one in the yearbook LOL

1 4

oH MY GOD ASUKA IS STRONG SHE PICKED HIM RIGHT UP......... his distressed face also made me laugh lol I'm awful

1 4

I started laughing out loud when I was watching this LOLLL I understand Asuka being mad but this being the least of his worries also makes complete sense lol

1 4

so this frame is there for like .2 seconds and was incredibly hard to catch but I am sobbing hahaha wow this boy needs a fuckin' break

1 4

"You'll just end up having to handle it because that's what you do... which I know you totally love being bound to and everything"

1 8

Judai: could something not happen to me for like five seconds please (the mood in 2020 though)

1 8

Aaaand cut to Judai, also depressed, fishing

0 5

probably not LOL Judai is the one who least wants to stay at this school rn (I really like the detail put on her expressions in this ep though)

1 3

this ep is really meta huh.............. (digs the knife in deeper)

3 7

me when I keep refreshing twitter at 3 AM

0 10

Adults in positions of power (esp parents) who are not bad people really do do this all the time to kids/their kids (even as adults) without realizing the damage it does... F

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