Hello sir… huge fan… wondering if I could send you one of these chewie shirts my wife designed?

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Flan Solo. Luke Piewalker. And Chewie, a Wookie Cookie. It's STAR S'MORES! https://t.co/NsWLMWpdx8

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Dog Draw - Chewie

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*For Satuday, 8/23 - CHEWIE by Eric Fan

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Rocket and Groot are the new Han and Chewie. Discuss and get tix! http://t.co/loBZ74N5vO

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Our little dog, Chewie, recently needed heart surgery. http://t.co/Kk9jqV3rrC Donate to help and get this print! ^,^

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Chewie by Dake Hayward

Chewie by Dake Haywa

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Easily the most bad-ass and illustration ever!

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Awesome :-) "Chris Wahl mashes up Calvin and Hobbes in this sweet-natured reimagining of Han and Chewie."

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Yay it's the weekend! What's that Chewie? Oh go on then.

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