Monday :D i tried by . The challenge is to achieve your full composition in a single prompt.

Special thanks to 's and guidance on prompt and generous exchange among members of the community!

19 203

My first try for 's turned out to be a banger for his long since passed 😅

It's raw, if I was at home I'd certainly tody up a few areas with Pro Create

8 65

Cassie Cage reporting for duty 💜

My last one for 's then it's time to have a crack at his Roster Challenge 🤟

15 173

Ended up mashing up my prompt with 's approach to get this. Required some inpainting to refine / sharpen faces...but closest I personally gotten so far to fulfilling what I had in mind for the - See reply for RAW & Prompt

14 170

Trying out the by

These are pure prompting (with one very minor inpaint fix on the first one). Ended up looking like posters for movies with big ensemble casts

13 108

"You take that back! I've never used my dark magic to make them bigger, ok? 💢"

Dark Magician Girl for 's

83 846

이 모델을 기본으로 할지, 아니면 다른 모델을 기본으로 할지 고민중이긴 한데... 2~3개 정도의 후보군을 가지고 테스트 해 볼 예정.

2 20

예전 테스트 하던 프롬프트와 비교해 보니 u-net 병합 모델들의 표현력이 더 좋은것 같다. 인체 비율은 조금 더 나은 수준? 손가락은 거기서 거기지만...

1 17

遅くなりましたが、 さんにお誘いいただきましたので参加させていただきます。

12 127

This is the results using Pinegraph models (raw txt2img, no img2img, no edit, no upscale). the prompt on ALT.

3 18

GM frens I hope you're all enjoying your weekend.

In my efforts to render Power from CSM with AI for 's I was blessed with this horned beauty 💜

Not quiet Power but 😍

13 167