Yay, I'm glad that Enan is being friendly towards him🥰 Also, Maruna's expressions are always magnificent, look at this man😂😂

0 8

Mushroom skewers? Lol, I wonder if he's an ancestor of Leez or is it a Golden Knight user thingie🤭🤭

0 8

✨✨✨ https://t.co/QgV6JEXEoQ

0 5

Holy crap, that's where I saw that name before⁉️ That's crazy, it was soo long ago. I never thought I'd meet him one day, I'm super  excited now😁

0 11

Enan, huh? That name feels familiar but I can't put my finger on where did I see that name before. Anyway, so Enan is not the king

0 10

Whoever this guy is his design is super dope💜

0 9

I would laugh so freaking hard if that's the king😁

0 8

I don't know how I feel about that at all, Vinata doesn't seem to know what's the right thing to do as well

0 9

Ooh, things are getting more and more interesting

0 9

Shit… are they the children who were "removed"

0 9

Daamn, now I understand why Akasha is furious

0 9

I love hearing your "super amazing" ideas about how to raise Maruna, Akasha😒😒

0 9

I wonder if they know he's gonna live

0 7

Wow, look at how gorgeous that last panel is🥰 Also, unfortunately, my mind immediately jumped to Maruna murdering Asha's first friend and all the others that died by his hands but hopefully he will be able to use this power the way Ushas hoped he would

0 10

I can't believe she has been with him since the beginning of the story. She's such an amazing person for going to such lengths for him

0 8

Oh, he's gonna go to Taitalika as well but ig since they seem to be in different timelines, I assume he probably won't be able to meet with Ran and Raltara. I'm still glad Ratri decided to help him though😁

0 9

Omg, it really was his freaking soul

0 9

Wait a minute… don't tell me Ushas has been with him all this time???!!!

0 9

Ohh so that's how Aruna became Maruna. Also, wait if that image of Ratri is supposed to be her looking for his soul does that mean the thing Ananta gave Maruna is his damn soul

0 9

Ratri probably wants to confront Maruna alone. I really like her relationship with Ushas though ^^

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