hello! i'm mystic, i don't really have any kind of goals, i just like sharing my art :] (First: LDShadowLady from EmpiresSMP, second: Mumza, third: a RivalstwtAcademy drawing of my sona, and the last is a doodle I had made when the Technoplushies released!)

3 13

Fanart for the Ocean Queen herself! I wanted to draw the beautiful blue axolotl transformation as soon as I saw it, especially after that stunning musical number :]


14 143

i'm abt halfway through Lizzie's Empire vids so i did a litol doodle, lowkey i'm love with the ocean empire and all the lilly pads ngl

17 337

I've got a deaaaaal with destiny ✨
(rts are appreciated! :D)


22 163

🌌don’t you just absolutely love it when the silly little block people sing funky songs?

3 21

if they added jellyfish to minecraft c!lizzie would 100% be one shes such a girlboss

6 47

*Last Life SMP ep 2+ spoilers!*

this fanart was made way before Joel was selected as the boogeyman and immediately tried to kill Lizzie asdfkjhk This aged poorly


75 541

“Aww... You could have trusted me. Byee!”💔

2 15

A Lizzie doodle, based off her new skin and a post that a friend of mine made a while ago

2 15

Queen of the Ocean Empire, her royal highness Lizzie!

71 520

Seablings Time. Merfolk stick together. I give you Ocean Queen Lizzie and Cod Father Jimmy. Ft Sir Strawberry, Cod, and Slime.

2 36

I FORGOT TO POST THIS HERE 😭😭😭. Fanart for . This was supposed to be for her birthday but i hope she’ll still appreciate it =w=

5 33