8/10 C96 西4 / I-15b / munen…

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We're a comic making duo and munen.
Our comic is called Of conquests and Consequences, it's about coming of age amidst political intrigue and culture shock. And living in a matriarchal society.
A few of the chapter cover images.

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Yagu Munenori (Saber) and Angra Mainyu (Avenger)
IDK about the first, since I"m not in that spot in NA, but a lot of people like him. And Angra...

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あなたのサークル「munen...」は、コミックマーケット96で「土曜日西地区 "I " 15b」に配置されました!コミケWebカタログにてサークル情報ページ公開中です! https://t.co/DVCaKjDziu

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An addition of Munenori for to complete the trinity

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Noh Drama Hands-on workshop... That was fun!
Noh Masters Munenori Takeda 武田宗典 and Yuji Morisawa 森澤勇司.
They were amazing 💕

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またまた描いてみました。柳生但馬守宗矩~。「抜かせるな。一度抜けば、斬らねばならぬ」Σ( ̄Д ̄;)ええええっw 斬るの!? 斬るんですか!? 斬っちゃうの!? ちょっと照れてるのもご愛敬(*´∀`*) Another fan-art, Yagyu Tajimanokami Munenori. Woo-hoo, oh Daddy!

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New Arrival!!!

Geboku Shigansha Munenorikun by Sagano


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Besides Raiko and Shuten, Kato Danzo and Yagyu Munenori will be included in the gacha rate-up.

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Something personal art this time and here we have my stubborn lady, Delia.
Delia © Heli Palmunen (Volvom)

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