Ikan hiu makan tomat,
Happy Birthday cutie lider 🥰🎉

4 39

Happy Birthday Miyu!! 🎉🎉

met nambah tua- (ㆁωㆁ)

6 37

Hepi Besde Lider yang crutel dan ekren, semoga makin-

1 15

Happy birthday Miyuu!!!! 🎉🎉

Untung sempet speedrun gambar euy

4 21

NIJISANJI ID merilis voice content spesial untuk merayakan ulang tahun Miyu Ottavia! Voice content ini dijual dalam waktu terbatas!


94 742

Dudel sore, Ultah Lider Ottagang. Miyu.
Met ultah Lider, moga sehat dan sukses selalu, dan selalu membuat Ottagang makin jaya dan sejahtera. Mantap mamank. 🥳🎂😎✨🙏

14 81

(wink tskr (˶‾᷄ ⁻̫ ‾᷅˵))

0 11

Selamat hari lahir Lider (≧∇≦)/🎉
Semoga ya semoga semoga

Cek bawahnya juga yaa ehe

3 23

last year I did draw for lider's birthday. I think its my first birthday fanart ever🤔. This time I decided with minimal color, hopefully its an improvement ww. May you be blessed with the best blessings.

Hapiba dear crutel.


3 23

Happuy birthday liderrr🎂😳❤️✨
Birthdays are a new start, a fresh beginning and a time to pursue new endeavors with new goals. Move forward with confidence and courage. You are a very special person. May today and all of your days be amazing! ❤️❤️❤️

10 56

Happuyy birthday our coolest lider!! Let's have fun streams more and more with ottergangs🦦💝

5 30

Happy Birthday lider
I just hoping you have a nice birthdayy, or days, or months, or years hehe 😌👌

4 21

Pibesdey leader 🎉🎊( ) !~
Semoga panjang umur, sehat selalu, makin sukses kedepannya, makin semangat bikin konten nya..Dann doa yang baik buat leader! ^w^

Semoga suka yaah~🐻🤎✨

1 13

Wohallaw Miyuuuuu happy birthday! 🎉🎉 Wish you a very happy and healthy life! ✨✨

Here's my birthday gift for you UwU

16 106

Happy Birthday our very huwuh kyuwuh lider ottagang, Miyu Ottavia
Semoga Amin
and i hope u like this fanart

5 16

Happuy birthday for our lider, Miyu!! 🦦
Semoga semuanya dilancarkan buat miyuwu, aamiin

5 29