Elle vogue entre deux eaux
Souillant le sol de sa salive —
Ni vivante ni morte
B. Tranier (Haïku approximatif)

With .la.bannie
Others stories https://t.co/fBT3vVTyji

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Saturday, November 2nd, meet some of finest cartoonists!
Liz Valasco "The Seeker"
Tait "Pacifica"
Peter Hoey "Coin-Op Comics"
Their work covers the historical, fantasy, and spooky.
The Scruffy Nerd Herder 234 F St. Eureka
During from 6-9.

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More today. As with yesterday's, she's based on a girl I saw while I fell in love with the confidence of this Who else wants to bewitch the people in their life?

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Ehi dudes! I truly this Thanks to Lfa Publisher for make this real! Oh... yeah... and thank you "dad"!

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Playing hooky.

Finally found time to paint this one up. Used my for the pencils and some upcoming brushes I’m building.

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These vibrant and textured pieces are from talented illustrator and animator, Michael Relth! We love the feeling of these pieces - he also made a cute walking animation of one of these characters in 😉

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So excited to share the piece I did for ! is coming with CMYK support, new interface and more🔥😍

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so a new podcast came out about scps and i kinda had to draw a design i had in my head for their scruffy protag, dr harley! hopefully i did him justice !!! 👌🏼
( )

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7/27 豊橋club KNOT
CrowsAlive pre.

Thanks for hanging out!!!

Awsome photo by

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Sous le masque.

Dans ton placard il cache ses griffes
Dans ton ombre il se déplace
Par tes yeux il voit le monde
Sans cesse à tes coté,dans le coin de ton œil
Le monstre avide salive et observe le monde.

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odd five 大好きだよ。


odd five と CrowsAlive

odd fiveファン、これからも沢山対バンするから末永くよろしくね😘


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since we're here, here's a quick lil brad i drew last week! 🧄💛

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