Tried something more Stylistic. Thankyou to the people who helped me on stream the lighting was a life save❤️

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"Do you ever have a nice moment and realize what could have been if you didn't fuck up the past?"
Yes, I know, not very creative or stylistically pleasing but It just became harder to draw full pieces after a while >:[ I REALLY wanna go back to it but motivation says 'no'

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I draw it as a fang sometimes. It just switches locations with whatever I think looks good. It's more of a stylistic thing. I gotta include some kinda toof or else she doesn't feel like a posm.

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sketched something stylistically different than normal

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this is what im talking abt, using rim light as a way to create nicer shapes and add form and value to your piece rather than just be a light. You can push it even further for stylistic choices (or not! up to you really what works)

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A redo of the first character I've done a fully custom sprite for. Mainly did it due to the original size I did being too big, though there are stylistic choices I did that I wouldn't do now.

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Just to be clear, there's no color on the mesh itself. It's just a flat grey and all the color comes from the lights, so it's possible to do have stylistic brush strokes fit with any lighting. (Also, this is a quick test to prove the concept).

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- hunny -

Thanks to those who watched the stream!

… would admit after the fact that the stylistic decisions didn't pan out the way I expected 😅.

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Idk if I can explain this right but I was trying to say that using like a more saturated version of the original color as the shadows so it doesn’t look dull. (If it’s a stylistic choice then do as you please but I’m just suggesting this

for example:

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2012 vs 2021

Goodness this was a throwback,, Sketch has been through almost my whole stylistic development arc, it’s kinda wild to compare almost a decade of design AND drawing style development aaa

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Really excited about STEP BY BLOODY STEP, launching in February. I'm a big fan of the whole team, together and apart, and the format of four double-sized fully silent issues sounds like a fun, rad stylistic and formal exercise.

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Anyone want a 🖼🎨 so I can get dinner? they're pwyw (pay what u want) via k0fi with a 3 k0fi minimum :) will be completed between bigger commission work. Must be okay with allowing some stylistic freedom! Feel free to dm if interested 🥺💖✨

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Some other varied stylistic things! Less varied in terms of content, but still just tryin’ to play around with stuff!

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I call this piece "gesture drawing-induced stylistic identity crisis"

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OKAY! Really got to test my rigged animation abilities. Definitely found some issues in my structure, and stylistically it's not 100% there yet, but I'm pretty happy with this!

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The origin of the Chinese pipa could be pinpointed to the Qin Dynasty(221 - 207 BC). As a traditional Chinese plucked instrument, the Chinese pipa is similar to the lute stylistically.

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Just a little thing to clear things up:
He hasn’t been credited as a person for wyrmprint art for years with most credits going to the Dragalia Lost art team. It’s fairly easy to tell that they’ve phased him out too with y3 having a lot of different designs stylistically

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Hey! I'm DJ! I enjoy drawing furry things, stylistic humans, & many other things! Thanks for stopping by!
💕Commissions?: Open every Monday - Friday
💝Other links?: In bio!
🌺Other questions? DM me!

4 8

Drawings for some artists. I have to balance out my stylistic decisions to make sure I get them in my style, but not take away from their character. If I go too detailed, it can be too overpowering. Too little, and it might seem I didn't even try.

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