345 - Lileep
Type: Rock/Grass

LILEEP became extinct approximately a hundred million years ago. This ancient POKéMON attaches itself to a rock on the seafloor and catches approaching prey using tentacles shaped like flower petals.

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Oda loves mustaches and big hairy chests

3 13

WIP « Test PCR n°6 » : presque presque finie ! :)
J’en suis aux derniers traits de contour, et aux petits détails, comme les taches de rousseur, avec mon crayon de couleur exprès pour ;)

Vous aimez ?
Aidez : https://t.co/sjF8wM3AA5 !

3 9

'Wanted: Macho Men with Mustaches': President Trump signing off with The Village People's gay anthem 'YMCA' this morning reminded me to revisit this excellent 2013 piece by in .


2 4

drew my recent fav charas from memory and i rlly was like *sees nice brown-haired chara with Eyebrows™️ and immediately attaches myself to them*

5 22

If you took a shot for every mustache or ski-mask featured in Vengeance is for the Living, you’d be dead. We may have set the record for mustaches & ski masks in a comic.

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[body horror] Notes for Osteon's haunted left arm, since I realised I basically gave them a magical prosthetic.
Physically, it causes them discomfort in warm weather (the arm 'complains') and the stump aches when the arm detaches itself. The armor casing was designed by Osteon.

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679 - Honedge
Type: Steel/Ghost

Apparently this Pokémon is born when a departed spirit inhabits a sword. It attaches itself to people and drinks their life force.

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Dude who always attaches an anime talksprite with the same emotion theyre going for when they tweet https://t.co/OhaBIXRspE

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501 - Oshawott
Type: Water

The scalchop on its stomach is made from the same elements as claws. It detaches the scalchop for use as a blade.

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guy who always attaches an anime talksprite with the same emotion theyre going for when they tweet

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The 'flower' powers Ino uses in the games are derived from her skills in the Manga and Anime, so they are basically canon. Ino mostly uses shinobi flowers "Ninja Wolfsbane" techniques in games which she had used in manga, and sometimes she attaches explosive tags on them 💐

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whipped cream mustaches

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345 - Lileep
Type: Rock/Grass

LILEEP became extinct approximately a hundred million years ago. This ancient POKéMON attaches itself to a rock on the seafloor and catches approaching prey using tentacles shaped like flower petals.

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art vent 🌧

lately ive been experiencing deep emotions that i couldn't express properly....and these emotions makes it harder for me to do the things i love to do. it also detaches me from socializing to the people i talk to because i might suddenly lash out or say things that-

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Big Chin Energy Grandpa TF. Either human or the big pachy deity. Just imagining the floofiest of beards n' staches and being a jolly blimp. <3

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Lil' Tayra design. Lately, I've played Guild Wars 2 a lot and am very attracted to the bright and unusual dragon designs there. I love characters with mustaches and other appendages, so why not give a simple look a little grandeur?

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My favorite Sentai monsters are the ones where the villain's base becomes the monster itself or attaches to it.

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