Ik I'm in hiatus but I heard about Scott Cawthon retiring I made this in honor of him my two favorite characters Foxy and Mangle

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Vaya les seré sincero marco una GRAN parte de mi infancia tantos sustos y tabletas volando jeje, si no hubiera conocido este juego nunca hubiera comenzado a dibujar porque wow todos los increíbles fan-arts y eso

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I hate this platform and toxic community on it

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while i was never publicly active in the fnaf fanbase, its always meant a lot to me. it was always something to look forward to when my mental health was at its worst. it got me through a lot. it was a great distraction. go live a happy life my guy.

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A drawing of mine from 7 years ago, I was 15 - 16 at the time. Thank you scott, I'm terrified of your games but the story always made me come back for more.
Have a nice retirement, you are a great guy.

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I really didn't want to post these arts until I was done with all the animatronics, but for the sake of such an occasion I will make an exception.

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The last 7 years were a blast and I will never forget a single day.

You appeared in the darkest days of my life and shared a world I will cherrish to the end of time.

Thank you so much for giving us Five Nights of Freddy's.

See you on the Flipside, Scott.

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fnaf is forever!!#ThankYouScott

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for being a source of inspiration for me when I was at my lowest.

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I'm very sorry for the harassments. I was heartbroken when you announced your retirement, but maybe this is for the best. You can spend more time with your lovely family, and away from the drama. Thank you so much for the 7-year ride you took us on. Goodbye.

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Com esse negócio do Scott Cawthon...

Eu cresci vendo fnaf e tals,mas o fandom ficou tóxico e eu comecei a me desapegar...

Scott foi uma das maiores inspirações que eu tive,e entendo a decisão dele....

você fez minha infância e vida!

Cuide bem da sua família

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for everything. Really. Take care and enjoy your retirement.

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thanks Scott.
I started drawing because of you and your fnaf games, if it wasn't for you i woulnd't be anywhere, i would not found my talent...have a good life man.
Here are some of my old drawings when i was younger
and a video https://t.co/TGwzM0YgvC lol

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Its very surreal that he's retiring, he made my childhood and his games introduce me to my now gf, i wish him the best of luck with life and i hope no harm comes to him.

Thank you scott, so so much.

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I met the game in 2017, few months after SL came out, before that, the only thing I talked about was Pokémon, and it started hurting my social skills really hard, cuz u don't really wanna be friends with someone who only talk about one subject.-

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