Primera part de "Sello de Dragon". Còmic editat per on en un món devastat per la guerra, les faccions segueixen enfrontades, a pesar que l'esperança per tots s'acabi. Bons girs, bon ritme, però tot plegat molt infantil -juvenil. Ideal per amants de la fantasia. 8/10

2 6

I made my fursona into a sonic character....
tots don't wanna kiss shadow I swear HAHAHAHHAHAHAHH
(Open to suggestions/critics for my mouse girl~)

1 31

Last but not least:
Little Anderson! 💗
He's trying the block game for tots but doesn't understand it!
Little idiot 🙊

0 17

sadly i dont have much time to draw for myself but i commissioned the hell out of @/ViciousTrunk to draw her ♥
their art is aMAZING tots recomment 10/10 service

0 1

Des del ens sumem al aniversari dels 30 anys d'emissió de Bola de Drac en català per ... allà va començar tot... Felicitats a tots!!!

5 16

We all remember "helping" our Mom in the kitchen when we were just little tater tots ourselves.
Art ~ Christopher Denise

10 27

Re upload bc Twitter had the audacity to hide the tatter tots i worked so hard on. Anyway pls read the Drowning Song on webtoons

7 26

[ RT'S 💖 ]
Hewwo friembs Paypal charged me wrong so now I owe my bank Hella 🅱read for some tater tots.

My current comms would bring me back to 0 but uh. Bills don't care bout that. Perhaps buy me a ko-fi or 6 to help me out?

6 6

Just sayin' they tots would rock the look
Get yourself a brother who wears chicken feet heels with ya!

7 23

Happy from the Gunship Revolution's man Tots Valeza

11 35

"La cançó del cucut"
Frances Hardinge
Quan la Triss es desperta després d’un accident, sap que li ha passat alguna cosa estranya i terrible. Té una fam voraç i insaciable, es desperta sovint amb els cabells tots plens de fulles i la seva germana li té por

31 19

Investigació, misteri, secrets, amor, lleialtat... Aquesta obra té tots els ingredients per captivar als joves en una aventura única.

3 29

Small art raffle
one person will win one digital art
follow me
yes and my art ish tots trash >:/
so yea ends when I come back home. so like 30 mins left and also send ur oc too!

5 8

Feliç aniversari Chopper!! I feliç Nadal a tots, de part de la tripulació del Barret de Palla.

1 3

Hey guys!
Tomorrow Starting at 3AM Standard Pacific I will be running a stream where I will take last-minute $5-10 commissions and do them live for you!
All money raised from the commissions/donations will be donated to Toys For Tots.
I will also be doing my old lady voice.

17 53

Bona nit a tots els meus seguidors.
Amigurumi representant la LLUNA, decoratiu, per penjar, 15 cm ample, 23 cm llarg. Artesanal, fet a mà, producció pròpia. Tècnica de crochet, ganxet -

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