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11月29日のわしゃがなTVでは,「World of Warships: Legends」×「アズールレーン」のコラボをライブ配信。ゲストは上坂すみ… #WoWsLegends #わしゃがな #わしゃ生 #中村悠一 #マフィア梶田 https://t.co/TTJCMn1uPU
The HMS Ark Royal (91) was an aircraft carrier with the Royal Navy in the Second World War. Commissioned in 1938 and sunk by a German submarine in 1941, the wreck was discovered in 2002 [640x845] from /u/crosspostninja at #WarshipPorn ➡ https://t.co/FspuzOnCCm
WORLD OF WARSHIPS BRINGS BACK ARPEGGIO OF BLUE STEEL -ARS NOVA- WITH NEW CONTENT! https://t.co/HPcuqVkhtH @wargaming_net #WorldofWarships #ArsNova #anime
#WorldOfWarships got a new #ArpeggioOfBlueSteel collaboration full of waifus and microtransactions. https://t.co/7msg1NFtaF #PC #WoWs Guess they're selling tier X ships now. This will go down well. 🤔
World of Warships
日本戦艦Tier5 コンゴウ(アルペジオ艦)
クマたんアリ(´・ω・)(´_ _)ガト♪
「World of Warships」にTVアニメ「蒼き鋼のアルペジオ」の戦艦“ARP Yamato”と重巡洋艦“ARP Maya”が登場。Musashi用のコラボ迷彩も https://t.co/tmCrOjZhKT
Jedi and clones unite aboard massive Republic warships in the Galactic Republic Fleet Starter for #StarWarsArmada. How will you build your fleets when #TheCloneWars comes to Armada on December 4? #StarWars https://t.co/KdOSRM1TNO
On this day in 1861, the United States risks war with Great Britain as a boarding party from an American warship removes Confederate diplomats from the Royal Mail Ship Trent. London responds by sending troops to Canada. For more, click:https://t.co/onhPjXbS2e
URM Warships, Gran batalla Lunar. #AlitaBattleAngel
Desde Facebook
As my interest in World of Warships is degrading by every second, I'm honestly not sure if I can continue the World of Shipgals series. Just for the sake of getting this out of my chest, I'm writing a thread of how it started, and how it is now. (1/11)
World Of Warships: Legends November Update Brings It To PS5 And Xbox Series X https://t.co/ABcViUmtiN
Some screenshots from my latest PMV MAP part! I wanted to have Starscream flying through the clouds and finding the Decepticon Warship also I set it at sunset because aesthetic lol
위스콘신 주에서 바이든이 역전했다고 하길래 만들어봤다. 아이오와급 전원참전 게임이라 이런 것도 가능하다.
#전함소녀 #戦艦少女R #WarshipGirls
#위스콘신 #Wisconsin
World of Warships
ドイツTier8戦艦 TIRPITZ
クマたんが買ってくれたぁ(꒪˙꒳˙꒪ )にま