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68 30

Thank you for light up my life with your little but warm heart. I am so glad to meet you. Saranghae♥️ :)

94 63

pink taemin💕💕So very cute😍😍

31 30


10 1

Sakura jinki and peach taemin ( ^▽^)人(^^;;; )

254 98

Today's penguin taeminnie!

284 112

151011 뒤뚱이탬탬ㅠㅜㅜㅜㅠㅠㅠㅠ짱귀여오ㅜ◇ㅠ!!!!💕

152 77

And Twist ! (taemin&key)

12 8

온탬 귀엽다😭😭😭😭😭💓💓

16 7

artiste minho with taemin (*´∀`*)

13 21

Here is a picture of taeminnie for you if you need to be save from the sexiness of danger oppa just now XDD

65 35