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Find a cool place this summer...park it....read it and ENJOY! Summer reads are the best.

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【Have a nice summer.】暑中お見舞いと残暑見舞い申し上げマス。

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It has been a very hot, very stormy summer.

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How to spend your summer...get fucked and profit

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Tons of Hero and Enemy sketching going on this summer. Here's 'Buisiness Bear', from pencil sketch to NES pixels!

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A Tuesday Tip for the summer. Reading needn’t stop when the holidays start!

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Concept art for a truncated GN project with talented that I did last summer. Well, not always you win.

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暑中見舞い申し上げます。I hope you are enjoying the summer.

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Takao wants to diet for summer.

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The return of the surreal shirt girl. In summer.

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"She is Life. She is spirit. She is Death."

drops end of Summer. PreOrder here: https://t.co/p7loI4jyOZ

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今週末7月23日(土)深夜イベント 夏をテーマにしたアニソンイベント「in the summer.」のフライヤーイラストを描かせていただきました!
デザインは さん

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東京も梅雨明け間近!いよいよやってくる本格的な夏に先駆けて、今週末7月23日(土)深夜の は夏をテーマにしたアニソンイベント「in the summer.」が開催!気になる出演者も本日発表です!

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beautiful. Highly inspired by this summer.

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What I love about summer..the sunrise over the lake!

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"Spring into Summer", and what a summer.

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I have a very special project this summer. E & A are best friends x

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