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I just received this art on Tumblr.. it made me so happy.. >w< it's my mayor and my newest villager - Tipper

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Via myanatomicallife on Tumblr.

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drawing my fav pokemon of a certain type on my tumblr. Hop on over and send a type. http://t.co/mXXwSSiZfK

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Another palette challenge from tumblr. This one of my OC Macabre Grimm!

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Even the greats make mistakes. On the tumblr. http://t.co/ZqdeHXVwMi

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http://t.co/X06cJvBXhP - Remember, I post drawings every day on my Tumblr.

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Did this drawing just for tumblr. Didn't have enough cats in it.

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is giving me an awful lot of ideas for when I RP Alice on Tumblr. Can´t wait for Otherland tho.

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New header for my twitter and tumblr. MyIG: http://t.co/SflCss427i

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New work up at our Tumblr. Parasites, spaceships, and block in animations, YEA! http://t.co/gpxHghc570

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this drawing was for a long time my most popular picture on both DA and Tumblr.

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Commission for the "Ask Fluffle Puff" tumblr. http://t.co/Qo6H0HmUTy

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Final version of 's art trade. I'll wait for her to finish hers before posting on tumblr. (no pressure! :p)

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found this on tumblr...love the artist...Happy Valentines day

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