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Camellia - The Rose Warden

Now in base color. Also changed her class since it seems more fitting to her.


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OC: Sina
Sina is an Armada Warden. Her Key Elemental type Histamines, can cause a body to have allergic reactions. It's is limited, and rly only makes the opponents breathe harder and experience a runny nose, nothing busted like instant suffocation.

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A scalie of mine. Gravlyn, The Warden. He's used in a friend's dnd campaign. And he needed a token for Grav. So i drew it.

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>Open shiny new ask blog
>First ask is about how "attractive" the Warden is
>Proceed to ruin dreams

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Some of you might have already seen Ahrai, warden of decay. He's the third warden to make it's appearance. With little of his consciousness left Ahrai is still bound to remain vigilant as one of the eight wardens.
I'm hyped to keep working on the remaining wardens the next month.

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There is an altar, they say, where the Night Warden waits, judging souls and granting the Mistweaver’s power to those worthy.
“The cost? My dear child I am afraid I must ask for everything, and we will pray it is enough.”

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Press Garden Mistress/Warden

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I wonder, what happens to Illidan's appearance as he becomes the Warden of Sargeras?

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Yellow Warden.
She's a superhero whose power is star shaped nipples.

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Woof... These girls went through a lot of changes to get to where they are now. From their days in Ninja Highschool (cringe) to official Koukai Wardens. Now with a cool hat.

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OCs: Ulrich Diederick, Silver Sea Devils
He was originally a high ranking warden of Clawsh, the black market but, when Boraeus started to take over the boat, Ulrichswitched sides. He was never really into the whole black market thing he just liked feeling like a badass.

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tfw ur wife a bird but also a cat but also a really big gun but also a car (she's warden's wife)

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And here are my three inquisitors and one warden from the group shot

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