Candy applying her skin, by

Not something we see very often in FASP art... ❤️

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I've wrapped up my outline for books 1 and 2 of Elizabeth the Compunctious. Not a script, just the outline of ideas and events.

It's 186,981 words. Inevitably some of this is getting cut out and used for miniseries or comic bites!

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We’ve got a special Elizabeth here by and it looks so goooddddd!

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Beautiful drawing of Dancer Elizabeth by ❤️

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Beautiful drawing of Susan by

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Bonus page by

Barimé doesn’t really eat, or drink... so this mistake is understandable.

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FASP drawing of Luna by ❤️

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This awesome drawing by is based on Pastillage Passage!

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Awesome drawing of Dancer Elizabeth by ❤️

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This AWESOMENESS is Dancer Elizabeth, as drawn by

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EPIC drawing of Deputy Serívis by

She looks so cool!

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Page 7 of Chapter 2 of Elizabeth the Compunctious has been posted!

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This is the finished drawing of Naomi in a costume pajama outfit by ❤️

This is not the epic thing. That was ready last night but, I fell asleep... the epic thing releases tonight. Although this thing here is pretty neat!

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I think this was drawn before we even made this Twitter account. Check out Elizabeth and Barimé, by

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Thank you for this drawing of Dancer Elizabeth!

My fans make this art possible. Join them on Patreon:

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My internet sucks so much... this took me 5 hours! But finally:

Page 6 of Chapter 2 of Elizabeth the Compunctious is up!

As well as Pages 22 & 23 of Pastillage Passage!

And Pages 5 & 6 of the Candy Snack miniseries!

And Pages 1-4 of Felony Fun!

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This is the 2nd pose, after I asked to draw Naomi for an anatomy test. Hands and feet are where many artists, including myself, struggle.

My Patreon fans get an extended analysis later tonight. Join them!

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This is really cool. I asked to draw Naomi in pajamas for an anatomy test. Hands and feet are where many artists, including myself, struggle.

My Patreon fans get an extended analysis later tonight. Join them!

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New posters are coming soon!

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New model sheets are coming! This character here... well, just because my characters are mostly kids, that doesn’t mean the subject matter will always be cute and peachy. That’s all I’ll say about that.

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