When I got into the dsmp/mcyt fandom in late January/early Febuary, the first fanart I ever did and posted on this account was of Technoblade.

The original post had been deleted for some time now, but I thought I'd share it again. I got into drawing again because of him.

4 29

We’ll all miss you so much, you were so important to us, Rest In Peace Technoblade.

2 11

Very funny. An amazingly great friend. And an all around great guy. We’ll miss you big guy, you made so many people happy, and you made wonderful memories. Rest In Peace Technoblade.

0 2

Rest in Peace, blood for the blood god, we will never let you die Technoblade. You will never know how much you impacted your audience. Thank you.

139 2524

Rest In Peace, Technoblade. Your legacy lives on forever. 💓

21 479

GG EZ, Alex.

Thank you for everything. I will respect someone like how I respected this man, Technoblade. We all love you. May you Rest in Peace.

28 349

I am so sorry I couldn't make a proper tribute art for someone I had admired for a very long time. His videos had helped me through toughest times and I couldn't thank him enough for existing.

Rest easy, our dearest blood god. So long, Technoblade.

"Technoblade never dies"

132 1672

Eu vou sentir muitas saudades de verdade do Technoblade.
Não tenho o que falar, mas estou muito mal com a perda e apenas desejo meus sentimentos as pessoas próximas a ele.
Se deus existe arrebenta a cara dele e se torne o novo Blood God! 🐷🩸

10 45

RIP Technoblade. He was truly one of the funniest and greatest people out there, and a big inspiration to millions including me. You will always be remembered ❤️

1 9

this is the only way i know how to process emotion.
RIP Technoblade.

8 79

not the best drawing i've done but regardless, rest in peace technoblade. thank you so much for everything you've given to countless lives.

0 9

"not enough close, baby!"

you're an inspiration to all of us to keep fighting 🎗️
Rest easy, Technoblade.

17 364

my first ever mcyt drawing was of technoblade. one of my favourite mcyt drawings is of technoblade.

this breaks my heart..

0 4

Rest Easy, Technoblade.

You were a major influence for me throughout my teen years, and you even got me back into doing animatics. Your attitude inspired me to make those around me smile, even when things were bleak. Seems you're still doing that now. I hope you're at peace now.

1 24

Long live the blade.
We will miss you, Technoblade. Your videos have been a comfort and pal to many of us. Rest well, King.

1 11

Technoblade. Fue uno de los mejores youtubers que vi y me pone muy triste el hecho de que tengamos de despedirnos de el.
Agradezco a Techno por todo lo que hizo como youtuber y como persona, por las sonrisas que nos sacó a todos
Hoy me despido de ti, vuela alto Rey y gracias❤️

58 778

Rest in peace, Technoblade.
Thank you for everything man : ' ]
(the art here is older, I just don't have any energy to draw anything for it at this second)
You'll be missed

3 30

this was all I could muster for right now. rest in peace technoblade. and thank you so much for inspiring me back in 2020

33 191

Rest In Peace Technoblade. I’m so happy that I got to know you.

1 42

Rest well Technoblade.
My condolences to his family and friends.

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