I choose Zebstrika!! A strong Pokémon! Gets what they want, and deals with no bull crap!! Determined and confident, but with their trainer, are much softer and level headed! Lots of apples to this one!

0 2

Congrats on 45k!!! Holy crap!

0 1

Cover Our World Blackened, Volume III is officially live for Patrons! If you dig the show and believe it has value, you can join us on Patreon and get all three EP’s for free plus Lunar Satan tracks and the hit MUYP single, “Weigh Your Crap!”

6 18

I can't vote on my own poll?! This is crap!

2 7

Ohh damn its already this late?! Crap! I was completely out like a light and probably wouldn't have woken up either if it weren't so noisy outside!

4 9

Holy Crap!!!!!!!!! and

Batman is freaking nuts!!!!!! What are you doing Tom?????

23 119

(Ko-fi doodle) Magnadramon, for bug_scrap!

133 509


James here. I do digital artworks, mostly portraits. Rough, gritty and unorthodox artstyle. Likes cartoon and horror art. Still looking for my big break at art conventions.

IG is jamesy.crapworks. Go follow that crap!

4 10

Aw crap! Almost missed it!

I’m Rivka, a high school grad who wants to try new things, and often gets in over her head.

0 2

I can sleep happy now, holy crap!!!

0 5

"Don't think you can eat me. Don't think you can serve me. Food? I don't give a crap! I'm a human being!" -Ray!
Yeey! I'm done! (つ≧▽≦)つ

3 13


In the few months of streaming and in the few months 200 of you decided to think im cool enough to follow and that boggles my mind.
Thank you everyone for the love and support.

We are doing a Giveaway stream on Wednesday to give back to you guys!!!!!

6 19

I really need to thank two very awesome ladies:
and . You two are so sweet to keep encouraging me to just keep doing what I love, even when the results are crap! Tonight I'm feeling much lighter and here is a quick glance on what I'm working on!
More is to come!

0 6

Premier mai arrive!
... Holly crap! Mon artichaut fait encore des siennes.
Sa en fait du muguets pour tout ce monde
*l'image est de la doc pour dessiné.*
, , , , , , etc

0 6

Holy Crap! Hats off to and on B.P.R.D The Devil You Know In case anyone was wondering, THAT is how you end a series. Wow. ( Oh, and may have a few left. Run.)

2 4

ITS DONE HOLY CRAP!!!! Spent waaaaayyyyy too long on this, but I'm extremely satisfied with the results! Who's your favorite? :0 💜

1 5

Holy crap! The cover Kilian Plunkett did for The Art of Star Wars Rebels feels like a direct call-back to the original concept art for the Ghost crew. I am on the floor passed-out, happy right now.

4 14

23/31 March 23 1994: Hellboy arrives. is a constant inspiration and here is a drawing I did for HB's 20th Anniversary. Aw, Crap! HAPPY 25TH ANNIVERSARY,

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