Ну что же, этот год был одним из самых сумасшедших для всех, но, от себя лично я хочу поздравить вас с Новым годом!будем терпеть и ждать лучшего!
This year been one of craziest for everyone, on my own I want to congratulate you on New Year! we will endure and wait for better!

1 17

We are in the 2021 final lap. This year was a rollercoaster, holy mother of sweet buns, one of the most craziest but a great one of my life.
I want to wish to all of you guys a HAPPY NEW YEAR ✨💙 and bc I’m feeling good rn, I’ll tell you one of my most traumatic 2021 adventure:

0 2

Still one of the craziest writing decisions from the series

88 1351

just had the craziest .magik command result ever

0 12

I decided to doodle my mum's kitten which I just met for the first time :3

he's really funny and has the biggest, craziest looking eyes

311 2763

Today I got the craziest gift for Christmas then I could have ever imagined. A commissioned avatar by the awesome artist and fren . I love it mate. Btw the piece is inspired by my dog. Such an amazing artist. Happy holidays all! https://t.co/ZP91DhBJs6

1 44

HOLY SHIT had the craziest 3 year anniversary stream!! Tyty sm everyone for being there and all the love T_T Yall really made my 3 years feel so special ♥️

Congrats and for winning my fan art competition!!

2 74

This is honestly, and I say this in all sincerity, taking into full account just HOW INSANELY RIDICULOUS THIS SERIES HAS BEEN FOR ALMOST TWO YEARS...The craziest thing Team Krazy Goat has ever done.
Just off-the-goddamn monster truck, dinosaur fighting rails. https://t.co/oiIXWW4kbO

11 95

Tonight on it's time for the craziest day of the year so far: NY Princess Gala shenanigans & Ch23 P1 watchalong!

Watch me live @ 7 PM EST on https://t.co/x3yWfMjncp and get hyped!

2 2

Not the craziest but probably my favorite one of these I’ve done

0 28

Today's a good day for Greed fans. Full Hivemine ref sheet reveal tonight! :)

This one's probably the craziest ref so far. All that remains after is fish and robot.


18 312

just got the craziest follow back in the world so here’s a mock town cherry pie in tribute

0 4


If I hit 5k followers I’m giving not only 1

not only 1
but also the Mona Lisa and Starry Night

Floor price = Over 6 ETH (each)

How to enter:
Tag 3

18 19

Knull bouta drop the worlds craziest t-bag

0 1

Just remembered about the craziest redesign ORAS did

0 13

Just joined discord and they definitely have one of the craziest communities I’ve seen, can't wait for mint in a few days, anyone else looking into them?

They're giving away 300 spots!

More info 👉🏻 https://t.co/dgq5t9sugW

19 60

I’ve been keeping an eye on , they definitely have one of the craziest communities I’ve seen & they still have a while until mint ⏰

They're giving away 300 spots! More information on the Fancy Discord channel

👉🏻 https://t.co/gKqArtOz4g

37 62

I thiiink I am done withe this one.
Have two absolute crazies!

2 12

Craziest collection I’ve seen 😱

0 5

still the craziest animation in fnf history idc

50 677