12/12発売!ファイアーエムブレム0(サイファ)19弾ブースターパック『覇天の聖焔』にて【血気盛んな剣姫 ラクチェ】【剣聖の末裔 ラクチェ】を描かせて頂きました☆

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The card list for the Series 19 booster pack, "The Holy Flames of Sublime Heaven", has been published on the official site. https://t.co/cO1kJaaSSm

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Chrom: Blue's best tempo option now as splash and MC. His deploy skill allows him to pressure the opponent with high cost beaters that also buff Chrom, forcing them to be cleared before attacking Chrom in most cases. Tanky boy!

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Lachesis: A splash that is seeing more play with bond accel strategies, Purple in particular. Bond accel to lower your hand and then draw a card for free when you bond her! Good in top deck mode too.

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[Kawade] The Series 19 Pre-Launch Live Broadcast airs tonight at 8pm. We'll be bringing you a variety: the latest Cipher news, a chat with Toshiyuki Toyonaga and Senri Kita, news about Comiket and Expo II, and more! https://t.co/Tf0SmhxZAY

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【川出】今日の20時からは「第19弾発売直前生放送」です。サイファの放送初出演となる豊永利行さんや北千里さんとのトークや、コミケ、EXPO IIのイベント情報など、今回も内容盛り沢山でお送りします! https://t.co/UVbzsQdg0h

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The Winter Cipher Campaign is on from Thursday the 12th of December. Buy 1 booster box (or 16 booster packs) at participating retailers to receive one of these three Three Houses Die-Cut Memos (Set 2) as a bonus! https://t.co/ifBDEcBZI9

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"Now, go... Yes, you who bears the flames within. Drift through the flow of time to find the answers that you seek..."


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Larcei: Aggressive MC, 2 attacks a turn with crits. Play with Kaze makes it easier. Also is a trigger for the previously revealed Ulster as expected. Bond skill helps crit as well, use set 6 Deirdre 1 to get it without bonding the card from hand.

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"The prince is always treating us like little children. Always keeping us from the action... But we're ready! We're amply trained, all of us!"


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Marianne: Cost 2 CP secures survival for a turn if your MC has high power. Cost 3 CP moves a unit and gives a 30 support, similar to the old purple cost 1 self-stack fliers without the deployment commitment. The draw chance for MC hitting is a good rate.

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[Campaign] The Let's Go to Card Shops! Campaign is being held in retailers who are hosting the Delegate Championship. Spend ¥1000 or more on Cipher products there to receive 1 each of these promotional cards featuring Byleth (M) and Byleth (F)! https://t.co/bll83EK4vb

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[Events] The Tokyo Delegate Championship events, on today and tomorrow, will also host a Pack Battle Party side event. Participants will earn one of these two commemorative badges! This event is open to all, so we hope you enter! https://t.co/3hi4RVgHzh

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[Events] Pre-registrations for the 1st Tokyo Tryout & Tourney and Trio Tourney event have exceeded capacity and thus been closed. Registration is still open for the 2nd Tokyo, and both Osaka events. We hope you register. https://t.co/vyM9oYIiKs

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Robin (M): A rising option for Blue, as new Sumia gives more of a reason for earlier avoids. Hitting big numbers is also relevant against Brown/Byleth CP. Gives free advantage on crits and evades, which can force the opponent into lose-lose situations!

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Lyn MC Update: New Tethys allows Lyn to hit more consistently with her +20 buff. She can also untap Ninian for free, essentially becoming flip 2 to untap Lyn twice!

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Hubert: A strong card that can impact the flow of games. First skill is good advantage; hand discard can be teched around still. Anti-buff skill aimed to help Edelgard MC survive even more/is a general check against decks with mandatory buffs/no field control.

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[Events] The official site has been updated with details about Comiket 97.


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