En el passat episodi de Yashahime es va revelar l'aspecte de l'antagonista principal de la sèrie, en Kirinmaru.

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This scene isn’t how it seems. Sesshomaru and Kirinmaru aren’t threatening Inukag, their composure proves that. They may be the ones who suggested them to leave Moroha as the only way to protect her. Sessh did the same with the twins.

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Stop focusing on Sesshomaru next to Kirinmaru. Inukag protecting Moroha is similar to the scene of Sesshomaru flying with the twins. They protected their daughters from a common enemy. It might not be him. Do not be deceived!!

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.Why is Sesshomaru with Kirinmaru about to fight Inuyasha?

.Who did Kagome give Moroha to?

.Why did Miroku leave Takechiyo with Jyubei and wandering around?

.Why is Rin in the tree?

.How is Kaede still alive?

WTF is going on 😂

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