HeY hOw YALL dOinG???? 💗✨💗✨💗✨💗✨💗✨💗✨💗
JusT fInished a qUiCK KITA dRawInG sO Take yOur lIttLe fArMer boI yOu BeauTiFuL cHilDreN!!!

7 20

watch me disappear again after i drop my art here 👍🏻 hopefully i'm not entirely shadowbanned :DD

87 284

“Someone’s always watching you”

I made a fanart of my comfort character🤧
I hope u like it!

33 142

call me old fashioned,but i was raised to take care of my husband. cook him meals,wash his clothes, and make sure he has a clean house to come home to. if he ever cheats on me it's bc i was lacking.

1 5

*HQ pentol kitashin minum boba

Edit by sender

24 326