Born in 1744: (1744-1818), Queen of United Kingdom & Ireland as spouse to

Portrait with daughter, Princess Charlotte, by (1726-70), 1767

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Born in 1768: (1768-1821), Queen of the United Kingdom as spouse to

Portrait with daughter Princess by (1742-1821), ca. 1797

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Born in 1725: Danish painter (1725-1775)

Portrait of Princess (1750-1831), ca. 1760s

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Baptised in 1727: English painter (1727-88)

Portrait of Hester, Countess of Sussex, and Her Daughter, Lady Barbara Yelverton, 1771

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Baptised in 1727: English painter (1727-88)

Portrait of the Painters Daughters Chasing a Butterfly, ca. 1756

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Born in 1553: (1553-1615), Queen of Navarra & France as spouse of daughter of

Portrait as a girl attributed to François (1510-72), ca. 1569

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Born in 1717: Holy Roman Empress (1717-80)

Portrait with her family by School of (1695-1770), ca. 1764-5

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Born in 1717: Holy Roman Empress (1717-80)

Portrait with her family by (1695-1770), ca. 1755

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Born in 1752: Infante (1752-88), son of

Portrait as a boy by Lorenzo Baldissera (1736-76), 1763

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Born in 1751: American painter (1751-1801)

Portrait of Mrs. William Moseley (Laura Wolcott), (1761-1814) and her son Charles (1786-1815),

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A Mother’s love!🤱🏾
Black Art Gang certified 💚🤘🏿 Created by 🎨
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The youth! 👶🏿
Black Art Gang certified 💚🤘🏿 Created by 🎨
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Children of Africa! 👶🏿
Black Art Gang certified 💚🤘🏿 Created by 🎨
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Tamara Lempicka no quería parecerse a nadie y desarrolló un estilo propio que la convertiría en símbolo del Art Decó. En sus cuadros vemos la influencia del quattrocento italiano y los manieristas, especialmente Pontormo.

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Born in 1747: Holy Roman Emperor (1747-92)

Portrait as a child by (1695-1770), ca. 1753

Schloss Eggenberg

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Born in 1677: (1677-1749), Duchess of Orléans, légitimée de France, daughter of &

Portrait with son Louis d'Orléans (1703-52) attributed to (1662-1744)

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