Traditional art

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Decided to jump on the bandwagon. I haven’t done too many finished illustrations recently, so I just went with a painting from last year to keep things comparable 😅

2012 - 2016 - 2018

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2010 > 2015 > 2019!
i've always had a love of drawing portraits and i've worked hard to improve on my faces, but my ability to draw bodies has fallen far behind 😂

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This is encouraging and discouraging at the same time haha.

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I feel my improvement, but sometime, it's good to put it in front to see it. Let's do a Frederique Rosed'argent edition.

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Yeah, I did the thing, Pixel Art version...

2011 | 2013 | 2019

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Oof. I dont even know what that gibberish means down below - but Im happy to see I improved! :D

2009 -> 2013 -> 2019

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My progress from 2016 when i first get to the univercity, then 2017 and 2019. Traditionally i am inspired by and arts of and muuuch more- thiis is my )total

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2009-ish ➡️ 2017 (just started digital) ➡️ 2019

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2012 - one of my first artworks on graphic tablet that I`ve saved just for memes like this :D

2012 -> 2015 -> 2018

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is a fun and I don't post enough art here, so here's to changing that =v=
2009: An old character called Fuu.
2015: One of the main characters for a silly comic idea I had with a friend, Rebel-chan.
2019: Carol Danvers / Captain Marvel

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Here's my digital art journey! 2004, 2013, 2018

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Hihi i love this trend *v*

2010>2016>2018, girl in the wind edition !

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I wish my work had ANY consistent themes throughout the years so I could show a good comparison, but well... lol

2008 > 2013 > 2019

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