In this wonderful book, shows us the beauty of the night and the urgency to protect it. Under the Stars encourages us to turn off the lights, go outside and look up, and in doing so, to ask ourselves what we have lost by switching on the lights.

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Hentai Waifu Touko Kuromagae (Boin Lecture).

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TUE → EP. 2 of Food Koma in the teahouse! In the evening, MonHun World* with

SAT → The showdown finale is happening in the teahouse!

SUN → Teatime with Zal!*

*hosted off-channel

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Questa settimana avete potuto leggere la seconda e ultima parte di Gastone e la Solitudine del Quadrifoglio. Vi è piaciuta? Siamo curiosi delle vostre recensioni!

5 23

A voi ne viene in mente qualcuna?

3 14


WED → Hunting time!

SAT → ORA ORA! It's time to showdown with ! We have a special battle event this weekend! More details in the tweet below, including a poll to vote on some fun things (evil grin)

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Chissà cosa vorrà Paperino così di corsa… forse ricordare che in edicola ci sono due nuove puntate di SanRomolo 2021!

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Sorry for the late schedule post!

SAT: Monster Hunter group hunt

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el perfecto vene...digo copa pa brindar

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Su 3405 continua la nuova avventura dei ragazzi di Area 15! E lo stupore è sempre tanto. Ora, in edicola!

6 44


I'll prepare a meal for stream to chat with and eat! I wish I could share...

今週は新企画"FOOD KOMA"を始動します!"FOOD KOMA"では私が食事を準備してみんなと話したり食べたりします!ご飯をシェアできたらいいな!

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Exactly 15 years ago, the first Sonic Riders was released in USA. In Italy this game came out on March 17th, but my story with the Rogues started differently.
The first time I've seen Wave was on a TopolinoMagazine, issue 2626. Love at first sight.
Thank you for these 15 years.

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It's finally the weekend!! I hope you're all able to get the rest and relaxation you need🍵

Big thank you to Luseless for commissioning for this gorgeous art! I love it so much!!💛#komARTsu

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