I'll tell you the story of this later, but time!
Just so you know, its Miss Pauling and Pyro (Pre-mask) so they had a bag over their head in my hc-
You can do pretty much whatever you want with this! SFM, drawing, writing go nuts!

5 20

It's close to the halloweeeeeens timez so time for spoopy pfp

4 17

May I have your attention please?



Thanks for coming to my tedtalk.

5 43

Ok. Ok....I dunno what the fuck is happening. I dunno what the fuck Sniper and Spy got themselves into. But you be creative! Im too lazy to think of context!

9 38

Tw: blood (?

Didn't knew how to make backgrounds so did something quick. I'm really proud of it.

2 17

I made this a while ago and it shows up that i took 24 hours to make this wat 😐

0 5