I've just noticed how hilarious 😂 this is oddly specific, but finally a topic I literally 'fit' into

Here's my art, guess the height 😁

0 0

joining this because it’s funny, being 5’2” am I considered tall here? 🥺

5 11

oh hello fellow smoll artists. 👋🏽

crying at this tag! but thank you whoever created it. 🧸🥲☘️💗✨

20 117

I'm part of the and I can show how much talent that short people can do with their imagination.

0 0

Wow finally some recognition

6 58

Finally a tag I belong in so perfectly! 😂

4 7

Okay, someone tell me why the heck this hashtag exists just to call us shorties out?

0 2

This tag exist eye 🥲🥲 here’s some recent works from ur smol artist :,>

0 4

hey lol im 5’2” and i love drawing ocs :D + occasional fanart

1 1

It’s become increasingly obvious. I can deny no longer!

I am smol.

1 31

So yall highlighting us whittle artists?! Say Less! I'm 5.3 and this is my big, Black and beautiful art. Shop my site https://t.co/7DE2MB59nE

4 14

I cant believe I have the audacity to join this thread and---

*cries in 4'9*

1 3

hi! my name is jaz and i'm 5 ft 2 and i like to draw hot women from anime/video games etc.

4 6