Cooldown adopt for tonight!
Still a wip/needs cleanup, but otherwise a design which I'll be looking for a home soon!

Thank you for the suggestion Kornderia! 🙇🌻

5 42

WIP/ I promised genderbend wangxian butts and I am a man of my word

20 173


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0 0

ike wip/doodle, gonna clean it up when i'm not so no thoughts head empty aaaaah

0 5

{wip/oc} Oh, darling-
Thank you patrons for voting for Mads, I'm going off the rails with this month's card

8 90

don't they look great together XwX

16 111

(wip/preview) this is turning out kinda good actually.

29 443


i finished rendering the feet but i thought it would be weird if i posted that 🧌so instead, have an arm

0 1

[WIP/sketches] some black dog OCs of mine. ill finish a picture one of these days dskfjgh

4 7

wip/ shes on her way to ikea w eli ... to be continued

0 2

wip// Disclaimer: I’m terrible at collabs because i can’t get them done quickly… I’m sorry

0 62