Could always drop a content slate of your own and blow everyone away 🤷🏻‍♂️ Just a suggestion

51 242

Batman & Joker: Concept Arts

🎥: Suicide Squad

13 52

This is something we will all celebrate together! Everyone of us will be the reason this film will be released and why the world will be better for it.

35 159

Hello &

How many RTs would it take for you guys to give some sort of word on The Ayer Cut of Suicide Squad?

85 295

My fan art of Katana from David Ayer's Support me on to view and download full image.

0 3

Day 7
Kal-El ready to fight Faora-Ul and Nam-Ek.
Henry cavill

3 11

I can’t wait to meet you on next year! It’s gonna be a lot of fun!

14 82

We've done this kind of thing before 🤣

65 300

We hope to see your true vision soon !

All storyboards from James Doh. Wed don't know if these have come to light before, but if so we still think its important to highlight the artist! You can visit his website at

176 579

Please we fans would truly appreciate! This right here is golden! Beautiful! 😊❤️

11 50

Still here wondering if The Concept art was ever filmed as a scene? As far as i know Has never commented on this piece of concept art which i find interesting 🤔 Maybe he wants some suprises left for when his cut drops

52 185

「ザ・スーサイド・スクワッド」は滅茶苦茶楽しみですが、エアー監督版「スーサイド・スクワッド 」が日の目を見ないまま闇に葬られるなんてことは絶対に阻止しなくては…

9 20

(TD) Please RT to your followers! our girl needs your vote! Click on 'Show this poll' below and vote for our girl

6 7