All Sonny’s fboy lines🫦

Tks for the timestamp. Luv u🫶

79 226

I melted…🫠🫠🫠 I’m sorry it’s not mine

0 8

Sonny: Oh my God, so many poops..fuck you guys..


69 201

kawai poor voice :
I have a cold I am sick Mom can I take a day off from school today

可愛死了 可愛死了🥹
不去不去 不用去!!!🥺

16 31

💬: permission to give headpats
🔗: granted! go ahead

hehehe briskadets ya know what should we do right >:DDDDD

31 84



4 18

🔗 we didnt find the frog but we did find each other. 🥺

55 101

uki’s rejection arc continues .. UNLESS?

31 106

the "ついて来いよ" part in SitA

💛Sonny ver. / 🧡Alban ver.

620 1465

! ! ! a rare footage of s0nny (trying to) speaking in bri’ish accent ! ! !

18 58

[ we loOOooooOove puns ]

💬: why cant you hear a pterodactyl go to the bathroom
💬: because the “p” is silent
🔗: *giggle* i see thats actually pretty funny
🔗: *more giggle*

ty to bunny who sent this funny puns on streamlab and made him giggles 😭🫶✨

4 30

“I know I love you”
“I do love you”

3 9

slightly sleepy taichou talking about how he overslept + about yugo’s birthday totsu 🥺

2 5

🎭: (dill’s voice) Myagh, that’s so bitter! My poor tongue, meowch!
🔗: meowch, that’s so cute~
🔗: (sage’s voice) you okay? I’ll go grab some milk from the kitchen
🎭: I’ll come with you, I’ll come with you
🔗: Please!
AYO??? 👀

58 271

🔗: Hello I'm Sonny Brisko Nice to meet you NYA~

Sage Brisko's introduction 😳😳

34 74

🤲 choosing between aburiengawa and briskadets


25 56

ご機嫌よう〜💛わたくし、この度、先生になりましたわぁ⤴︎ (∩˃o˂∩)♡

I am the bast Sensei DESUWA:D

5 32