Yep I'm still working on these in my spare time :D Once again it's free use so you can share around etc, just make sure to credit! I'm achieving my evil plan of spreading icons around everywhere muahaha

109 403

Did a very simple drawing of chimchar with a background and a lil bit of shading hopefully in a couple of months I redraw this and it’s on the next lvl 🙂😇😃😁

1 2

Aunque tarde, porque voy muy mal de tiempo... aquí lo tenéis:
Un pequeño resumen de lo que ha pasado hasta ahora en el ExRandomLocke de .

Starter, clásico starter. Un Chimchar.
Todos esperamos ver un Infernape, me cago en la cona.

46 366

I think this comes as a surprise to no one. But I freaking LOVE Chimchar and I will defend this cute boy till the day I die.

0 1

i have 2 chimchar plushies and yet i dont like this pokemon all that much

0 4

Sinnoh starters! This is obmne if my favourite gens and all three of the starters are so well designed !♡

Check out my previous post for the other starters I've already done~

1 7

¿Soy el único que se a dado cuenta de que chimchar y Scorbunny tienen la misma pose? :0

2 7

Same animal. But Chimchar is loved because it's fire type but Grookey is disliked because it's grass type.
the grass type bias has to end smh.

561 3439

BY THE WAYYY chimchar did it way better I will literally battle you on this

1 8

Fun fact:
Scorbunny is an EXACT replica of Chimchar, even though its 1st art is being compared to a later Chimchar art (1st art for Chimchar shown on the right). Pokemon totally hasn't ever reused stances or poses, so this confirms Game Freak is running out of ideas.

0 4

can someone explain to me why Scorbunny is literally just oshawott + chespin's faces mashed together doing the exact same pose as chimchar

9 38

"ThEy CoPy AnD pAsTeD tHe SaMe PoSe FrOm ChImChAr FoR sCoRbUnNy, ThEy GeTtInG lAzY!"

Or... that's just a standard pose that other Pokemon have and you're just being nitpicky because it's a new Pokemon and you HAVE to complain about something stupid.

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