"aw babe you have
a crush on me? "we are
thats embarassing" married"

128 275

"aw babe you have
a crush on me? "we are
thats embarassing" married"

143 252

"aw babe you have
a crush on me? "we are
thats embarassing" married!"

11 20

"aw babe you have
a crush on me? "we are
thats embarassing" married"

1 5

"aw babe you have
a crush on me? "we are
thats embarassing" married."

83 297

"aw babe you have
a crush on me? "we are
thats embarassing" married"

1 8

"aw babe you have
a crush on me? "we are
thats embarassing" married"

203 559

"aw babe you have
a crush on me? "we are
thats embarassing" married"

14 59

"aw babe you have
a crush on me? "we are
thats embarassing" married"

98 123

"aw babe you have
a crush on me? "we are
thats embarassing" married"

83 176

"aw babe you have
a crush on me? "we are
thats embarassing" married"

48 103

"aw babe you have
a crush on me? "we are
thats embarassing" married"

18 62

The exact same comic exactly a year later makes a good comparison point. Especially as it game, like, exactly a week before I really found my 'style'. The old one is super embarassing, but I hope you can enjoy the contrast.

1 4

I honest to god forgot that I had already designed her before the old sketch how embarassing... so I kept her personality except keeping new design!! lol

0 0

This is the first time this happen to me. Some loser RP account that cant write for shit, steals my art and put on an embarassing portrayal of my character.

Ive told him off on DMs, then does it again and when I actually reply to him, he blocks me. Thats the funniest shit!

36 172

▼ moooom youre embarassing me ▲

78 335

i still rlly like this but it implies that i played that ytbr dating sim (i did) and its now even MORE incredibly embarassing bc of everything thats gone on with some of the ppl in tht game LMAO

1 2

when you open your sketchbook in public and it comes out with an embarassing page

0 6

i decided to join in on the tho being embarassingly late to it

0 6

this is kinda embarassing, but it was Snake man from Mega man 3, I still think he's super hot, save my bisexual ass.

0 2