Born into a human family of farmers, Kairon's Tiefling appearance, to this day, is still unclear. Although often ridiculed for his Tiefling features, Kairon will rarely display any negative emotion, finding happiness in all conditions.

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Yes I - sometimes they are in nature, some more than others but mostly it is to strip down to the essence of an emotion, a connection or an idea

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Hey! My name is Aavi, Im a bi/pan female artist from the UK whos currently learning how to digitally paint works with deep emotion, I'm not there yet but I am learning!
Here are some of my favorite works so far
(Thank you Xx)

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"...a brain that can’t feel, can’t make a decision. We need emotion, not just logic alone" via

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anime, reaction, meme, angry, cartoon, sticker, fuck, 2018, mood, rain, emoji, bad, comic, emotion, storm, cloud, thunder, symbol, mediamarkt, animoji, hauptsacheihrhabtspass, thunderstruck, wütend, misfortune, wütend, pech, männertage, männertage, laune, launisch

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The heart is such a peculiar thing. It oscillates between logic and emotion, form and function. If your heart yearns to love two people, why would you hurt yourself by going against it? Spitkiss, 's love story about is out soon on and PC.

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Emotion, 2017
pencil, gouache on paper
365 x 490 mm
emotion cube🎲
움직이니까 더 예쁘다

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Gods are bad at emotion, but Ouro sure likes what he feels when he sees Vido

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Don’t go wasting your emotion, lay all your love on me~🎶
[Jaith Mamma Mia! au]

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in IG -Canvas painting of I wanted to show the emotion, grit and soul. Painting from my own pic at London gig in London last year so all original work. Band painting also in the works in New year!

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When it comes to my art of Jonghyun I've noticed I've always tried to portray very rich emotion, that being positives or negatives, maybe because his music always touched me so much?

The moon was beautiful tonight, Thank you ♡

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MR AND MRS X by , , Frank D’Armata, and gave us a great new chapter for everyone's favorite on-again-off-again X-couple. Kelly has scripted a story that is filled with heart, emotion, passion, and action. Keep it coming!

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Growing up I always tended to respect and idolize female characters. When I wrote my lead female MC I tried to give her a lot of emotion, intellect and depth. I love the journey of healing and love I wrote for her.

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[Fanart] Kim SungGyu 1st concert day 3

This day is such a roller coaster of emotion, happy to see many precious guest, but so sad because of the enlistment news 😭😭

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Dies ist das Cover zu meiner neuen Kurzgeschichte emotion, die ich auf Animexx als Leseprobe hochlade.
Zur Leseprobe:
Schaut gerne vorbei - es wird jeden Tag eine Seite hochgeladen ^^

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This demonstrates an emotion, or a behaviour. I had this similar one the other day... When a lizard jumped on my lap! He had been living in my kitchen for sometime. A pet or a pest? Anyway he probably thinks he had more right than me to live here.

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hey so i need your guys's opinion. i made this, and i kinda want it as my pfp, because it has more emotion, or should i keep the old on? (left new, right old)

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A HUGE thank you everyone for joining us for solo session tonight.

It was an absolute blast of emotion, drama, & darkness. I'm always floored by the RP my crew provides.

Huge love for the support & fanart too! Thank you!

We raided !

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"In the countryside, the old stories seemed to come alive around me; the faeries were a tangible aspect of the landscape, pulses of spirit, emotion, and light." ~ Brian Froud

🎨 Hear, Here by Brian Froud

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Knife Cat is a genuine Molly emotion, I am sure. Still playing with 's designs~

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