Ja tenim la Meridiana però el 27S volem el país sencer! Un dibuix de la per a compartir!

244 108

Quedem a la Meridiana el proper 11 de setembre. Fes el teu punter! Dibuix de

47 32

getting the hang of the mobile sketchbook w/o a stylus. w.i.t.c.h. aka Princess Elyon 'Light of Meridian'

0 3

gemsona again


15 44

PHEW Meridian (designed by ) was too attractive to ignore.
http://t.co/8fLyJ2iaR2 (ft. eyelashes)

1 9

pan-o de greenwich.. [no that isn't a bad photo stitch, it's the meridian line]

0 1

"Aftermath" Top Tier Finalist in http://t.co/orGxpxckZS now at The Veridian, Vancouver, BC

6 8

Futbol: unico deporte MUNDIAL que une a la tierra x cortos 90 minutos,donde todos somos UNO.

0 0

The sun glints off the Greenwich Meridian on the

22 36