Excelente regalo navideño para niños de 0 a 99 años (y más): "Mónica la niña daltónica y Federico el perro psicodélico", escrito y dibujado por servidor.

Aproveche la oferta en el sitio de : https://t.co/j2DaqeehIz

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📚 "Die wahre Geschichte vom traurigen Clown Federico"
by Anton Soja
by Oksana Baturina

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Heroes of the Cypher System breaks $100k, Jade Colossus goes 5e, an important update on holiday shipping, recommendations galore, and MORE in this week's jam-packed Cypher Chronicles, hot off the presses! And how amazing is this piece by Federico Musetti?


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Here's a break from your doomscrolling.

Today is a hard day, friends. Take care of yourselves. Step away if you need to. Cuddle a furry friend. Reach out to a loved one. Whatever is on the other side of this, do not stop fighting.


(Art by Federico Musetti)

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Federico Zandomeneghi Denis Sarazhin, pintor italiano perteneciente al movimiento impresionista.
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Desde que un ser humano aprendió a escribir y divulgar sus palabras, nunca faltó otro que quisiera borrarlas, destruirlas, hacerlas desaparecer de la faz de la Tierra -Federico Andahazi- ... Ch. Veugles

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After a short delay, we're looking to get the production of The Power of Paragon back on track. The oversized hero is looking mightier than ever in this awesome promotional pinup by artist Jardel Cruz and colorist Federico Sioc.

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Come pulisci, silenzio, la rugiada del canto
e le macchie sonore che i mari lontani
lasciano sul bianco sereno del tuo velo?

da Elegia del silenzio

Federico Garcia Lorca

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Man, Dizzy can't seem to catch a break with those spiders

The first pic of a double art trade with of his OC Federico and DJ spooking the girls with some toy spiders

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Federico Correa y Alfonso Milà -

Casa Julià (Cadaques, Girona, Barcelona 1956)

In M.

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Hoy es el Apostemos por la investigación, la detección precoz y las revisiones periódicas que salvan tantas vidas. No lo dejes, cada minuto cuenta

- Federico Ribas, sin datos, 1930

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Power up - (She-Ra), por Federico E. Pellegrini (Mdq181)

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"If there were a little more silence, if we all kept quiet...maybe we could understand something."

-Federico Fellini

a sense of quietude and contemplation in these beautiful paintings by

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