I mean no wonder she's depressed LOL despite being given a choice they're very obviously nudging her towards this choice...

1 3

It figures that Samejima would completely misread what it was she'd want to do post-Duel Academia LOL... this kind of pressure from adults who think they should be able to decide your future for you sucks so bad...

1 4

NooooooOOOO These pics are so cute 😭 also lol the tonal dissonance from the rest of GX to late S3+ is like. lol

1 5

Jesus this ep is really raw on "bad memories of highschool" vibes huh

1 3

Hmmmm it's almost like something is bother her you guys I don't know... just maybe...

1 3

god this is just Asuka's Awkward, Bad Day

1 3

I love how they're like, "Well, we've been through a lot" "I'm sure she isn't feeling great, saurus" and Asuka is like "It's not that, exactly..." and immediately they're like "WELL ANYWAY time for some good memories!!!" (but I can't really fault Kenzan, he's a good boy)

1 5

lol GX is peak relatable as always

1 4

these end shots are so pretty...

1 10

YOU STOP.... at least this is kind of a smile he's trying

5 12

I meaaann he definitely still kind of was lol.... that guilt complex n all

0 2

can't die bc you got a responsibility to love the monster inside you yea

0 7

this is so cute because he stuttered and was clearly actually worried so this is like him reassuring himself that Judai's going to be okay...

0 4

this set of images is so funny slifjilg

1 6

hahaha don't die bitch it's not like I care about you or anyth

0 3

they're all so cute...

0 3