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MARVEL Battle Lines variant covers for Spider-Gwen A.K.A. Ghost Spider #1 (by Jong-Ju Kim), Superior Octopus #1 (by Sujin Jo), Thor #6 (by Maxx Lim) and Tony Stark: Iron Man #5 (by Jong-Ju Kim)! Collect all 28 in Oct! @MVLBattleLines @MarvelGames #MarvelBattleLines
MARVEL Battle Lines variant covers for Spider-Gwen A.K.A. Ghost Spider #1 (by Jong-Ju Kim), Superior Octopus #1 (by Sujin Jo), Thor #6 (by Maxx Lim) and Tony Stark: Iron Man #5 (by Jong-Ju Kim)! Collect all 28 in Oct! @MVLBattleLines @MarvelGames #MarvelBattleLines
Don't miss my toon on Donald Trump's summit with Kim Jong-Un: https://t.co/VBTnM6r1Bw
Here's something I drew to celebrate yesterday's historic summit with Trump and Kim Jong-un. I turned it into a crappy animation, because I understand global politics. #kimjongil #donaldtrump #nukes #summit #trumpcaricature
Les feux de l'amour...
#TrumpKim #SingaporeSummit #TrumpKimSummit #G7 #G7Summit
#Macron #Trump #KimJongUn Kim Jong Un
Man to Man Talk after the Summit at Newton Circus Hawker food centre Singapore.
Donald Trump: This Kimchi Lasha tastes horrible. What do you say Chairman Kim?
Kim Jong Un: Not much Sir, I only echo what Robert De Niro said last night
One time shot opportunity in the life time, for Kim Jong Un and Donald Trump to play one game of "Show Hand", at the Marina Sands Casino in Singapore June 12, 2018.
Brian Adcock on Donald Trump’s summit with Kim Jong-un in Singapore - Political Cartoon Gallery in Putney https://t.co/dePcTdnXF6
"Beware of those Chinese espionage radioactive bombshells in Sentosa Island" , the supreme leader Kim Jong Un advised Donald Trump.
Kim Jong Un's Big Envelope 金正恩的大信封
North Korean envoy Kim Yong Chol presents President Trump a letter from North Korean leader Kim Jong Un in the Oval Office. 勞動黨副委員長金英哲以朝鮮特使身份赴白宮,親送金正恩給特朗普的信。
[ 김효종 ǀ Kim Hyo Jong ]
[ 2018 ǀ 05 ǀ 31 ]
"Know when to walk away from the table" Practitioner Kim Jong Un of "The Art of The Deal".
KIm Jong Un reiterated "Complete Denuclearization" meaning that, both DPRK and USA to dismantle all of their nuclear arsenals at the same time, to be witnessed and monitored by IAEA.
Kim Jong Un: I couldn't hide my feeling of repugnance towards this guy’s moustache.
Donald Trump: OK, Honorable President Kim, let's talk again.
@KWSnet RT
Chappatte Cartoons @PatChappatte
Pat Chappatte, cartoonist for NYT.
"President Trump pulled out of a highly anticipated meeting with Kim Jong-un..." https://t.co/ItGAb2KW5W
🔸 'The Art of No Deal,' 25 May 2018. Pat Chappatte, The New York Times.
Kim Jong Un: Look, I’m 36 years old, only a 2 years old would believe the 3 years old Donald to guarantee my safety . Obviously Donald the kid didn't read my book “The Art of The Deal”, in which it will teach you how to use Poker Face Xi to clean out poker novice Donald’s pocket.
[ SHINee:ジョンヒョン ] ANGELJONGG G.O
[ ANGEL | JONG ぬいぐるみ ]
Guiledart cooking curry (Transformers Beast Wars Neo)
Happy Birthday An Jong Deok!!!
-Where Jong point at?
#Jongyeon #Fanart #Twice #twicefanart #트와스 #정연
Visit my PATREON 😆