Oh, I can't even imagine how Ushas must've felt after seeing that

0 7

What????? No no no no, he can't die though!!

0 8

Wow… I feel like this is one of those scenes that will be even more insane on a reread as I learn more about "time"

0 9

Don't even joke about such a thing‼

0 8

Omg, that last page is one of the scariest images I've ever seen in absolutely terrifying

0 8

What happened to him⁉️

0 9

This started as a redraw thingy of Gandharva and turned into a color balance practice 🙃

6 23

i feel like this perfectly encapsulates what kubera is all about

0 3

Shit, shit, shit, I think that's really Ananta‼ I knew he was going to meet him at least once again before this giant flashback ends but I didn't expect that to be under these conditions

0 8

Thankfully, they're looking for him now

0 8

Oh no, the innocent baby boi with no sense of danger wants to pick the snowflake apple in order to share it with Ushas. Somebody help him please

0 9

I really like Ushas' character🥰 Many gods choose inaction in order to avoid potential sins and while it's understandable to some degree, choosing to prioritize protecting the weak while taking that risk is what someone who call themselves a god should do imo

0 8

I see, so the Fiendish Magic Incident must be the last straw

0 8

Ohh, ig that's the danger of using fiendish magic

0 8

Seeing Maruna, the most serious guy ever as an overexcited friendly kid is so freaking entertaining🤭🤭 Also, I highly doubt the reason why he can't remember is these memories being too embarrassing lol but I'd honestly accept that if that's the case😂😂

0 7

Ooh, so there were already rumors at that point… Maybe currygom's transition wasn't that brutal after all considering this is probably 1000 years ago and there's a high chance I'm about to witness the day Kroha was talking about

0 8

This is so fucking adorable, I gained 5 years by just looking at this🥰🥰❤❤ I love Ushas' approach to Maruna

0 8

He's so freaking cutee, I can't😭 Also, I did not expect him to not like meat🤭

0 8

Look at baby Maruna🥰🥰 but a transcendental that's so powerful that it's been externally kept secret, huh

0 8