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Lachlan: *he waited patiently for her to find her words*

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Unikitty: It’s a real pleasure to meet a fellow fan of Lachlan! How do you know about him from your time?

Lachlan: You wanna tell her, Zipp?

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Lachlan: You don’t have to apologise, you did nothing wrong. It’s okay.

*as they both just sat down and rest, Unikitty felt as if now would be the best and only time to tell Lachlan how she feels*

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Lachlan: Yep! *looks behind him* Oh, here she comes now!

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*Unikitty made sure to be as careful and gentle as she could while bandaging up Lachlan’s ankle, and despite a few yelps and whimpers from him, she did a good job*

Unikitty: How does it feel...? *she said, sitting down next to him*

Lachlan: ... Better than it was before...

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Lachlan: *nod* I was always picked on by everypony just because I’m different... especially this one purple unicorn...

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Rainbow Dash: Aw it’s okay, kid. We’re not gonna hurt you.

Lachlan: I’m not falling for THAT one again!

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Lachlan: *he backs into a corner, whimpering frightened*

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Fluttershy: Someone’s been sleeping in my bed...!

Pinkie Pie: Someone’s been sleeping in MY bed!

Lachlan: *light snoring*

Rainbow Dash: Shhh... someone’s been sleeping in MY bed! Aww, and he’s still here...!

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Lachlan: Everyone knows who MY ancestor is...

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Lachlan: Y-You’re bluffing! My bro would never join a monster like Tirek!

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Lachlan: It means that I have super speed and I’m a heroic dingo!

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Lachlan: *wincing hard* I-It’s okay...! It’s not your fault...! Ow...!! *his ankle is really stinging from the bite*

*luckily, Unikitty remembers that she always brings a first aid kit in her tail, in case any of her friends ever got hurt*

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*she tries to pull the pant leg up to see the injury, but the cuff ended up peeling the wound, making it bleed down Lachlan’s ankle, sock cuff and the purple sneaker*

Lachlan: AAAOWW!! *whimpering like a wounded dog*

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Lachlan: *groan* With how much it hurts, you’ll have to be my doctor... uh, nurse. *wince* How bad is it...?

*she looked to the leg he had elevated and saw dark splotches on the base of his pant leg, she had a really bad feeling*

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*the small swarm of changelings go through the caverns to find them, meanwhile in the secret cave room*

Unikitty: *helping Lachlan sit down* Gently... gently...

Lachlan: *winces as he sat down* Agh... I’m okay... ish.

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Cozy Glow: *sobbing*

Lachlan: *rushed over to comfort her* Hey... Cozy. C’mon, what’s the matter...?

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Thorax: Discord reunited Lachlan and Unikitty and they’re both somewhere in these caverns right now, safe and sound.

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