NO Ariel bieng black won’t ruin your childhood, you’re 25 years old, you racist drama queen. YOU👏 WILL👏 BE👏 FINE👏 ♥
Yo go
(is bullshit because that's)

29 129

The only thing you can count on in life is change ❤️
I'm really excited to see the incredible Halle Bailey as Ariel 😍

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She just wants to be a part of your world!! After hearing sing, I’m beyond excited to see what she does with this role!!!

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so a friend on fb suggested 'why not cast someone with vitiligo and then make the character intersex and give them maybe a girlfriend, its tiresome to see only a prince' and so i was 1000 into it and had to do something quick for it

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With all the talk about Disney casting a black actress to play Ariel, here are some African mermaids I drew a while back ☺️

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